2019 Word of the Year as a Mom


I know I know, it’s another resolution post, haha!  But if you’re anything like me, you might actually like reading other peoples’ reflections and things that they want to accomplish for the year.  So here is mine and I hope this encourages you to set some intentions for this year too!


This year I learned that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job out there. I’ve worked in corporate for over a decade and now freelance as a makeup artist. But being a mom has challenged me in so many ways than any other jobs have. Maybe because being a mom isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle, an identity you have to learn to become.

The biggest challenge was prioritizing my daughter while trying to fill the need to be creative and finding time for me. The constant shifting of focus made my head spin. But I know in the end as her mom, I won’t ever regret being the one raising Addie at home. So this year I focused on being a stay at home mom.

BUT if I were to be honest…

While being a stay at home mom, I was wondering when I could get back to “work” and my normal workflow.  I was missing the OLD me that was career driven and working a lot, that I wasn’t as present as I could be, nor was I enjoying the the process of mothering as much I could.  I was influenced by people who I looked up to and my own circle of friends and family who had jobs to go back to. I would hear about moms killing it in their work but I never heard about the celebration of moms at home.

This made me feel inadequate and I let the comparisonitis get the worst of me.

So this year I want to focus on ENJOYING parenting in my way and defining my OWN happiness through motherhood. It doesn’t mean I’d stop pursuing personal fulfillment. But I want to sincerely love the mom side of me too.

To nurture both the creative girl and mom Hikari, I’m leading 2019 with some words that I can come back to when I feel lost or overwhelmed. So, after some reflection, here are 3 words that I’ll be focusing on.





To be present and enjoy the moment(s).

To proactively learn more about parenting via books and podcasts and maybe even attend a parenting conference.

To foster a close relationship with my daughter as she grows up.

To stop comparing myself to other people especially on social media.


Play with Addie more, literally.

Get out of the house more.

Find more time for myself for the things I enjoy. i.e: getting my nails done, doing photoshoots, hanging out with friends, and writing.

Follow what makes me excited.

Follow fun.


Intentionally create projects that are exciting for me. even if I don’t know how it’ll end up.

Organize and execute a content plan for this blog. Now more than ever with a toddler, I’ve realized having a plan is the only way to keep consistent and keep my sanity.

Create before I consume. This one is big. I let myself consume so much knowledge and “inspiration” that it became not inspiring anymore because I didn’t know what I should do and I got lost. I got confused to who I was. I’m going to be and do me and stop looking at what others are doing way less.

so I’m making a promise to myself.

Act on an idea & inspiration.

Grateful for the Lessons Learned

No matter what happens, I’m so lucky and thankful I get to be a mom. The number one lesson I’ve learned is to lean into motherhood more and love the journey more.

Thank YOU to everyone for all your support and love. In times when I needed to know I’m not alone, you were there. In times when I wanted to share the joys of motherhood, you were there.

Here’s to 2019!